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Warbler Song Bootcamp

April 11 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

- Free – $10.00

*This is a virtual event. Registration will close at noon on April 10 to make sure everyone gets the Zoom link. If you have not received a Zoom link by that time please email Eleanor at eharris@cliftoninstitute.org. If you would like to register at that time, you can email Eleanor but she may not see your email in time.*

Brush up on your warbler songs just before the migrants arrive in droves. We will listen to the songs of each of the migratory warblers that pass through our region in spring, while looking at spectrograms to help visual learners identify differences in similar songs. We will also briefly discuss habitats where breeding warblers can be found in our area and cover a handful of other migrants such as vireos and thrushes. This workshop will be of interest to birdwatchers of all skill levels. It will definitely be more fun than listening to a warbler song CD in your car! This event will take place over Zoom. A Zoom link will be emailed to participants shortly before the event.

Cost: Free! But if you are able, there is a suggested donation of $10. All proceeds from our programs go directly to funding our education programs, restoration work, and research projects. Thank you for your support!

Age: All ages.

Registration is REQUIRED.

Cancellation policy: If you register and can no longer attend this event, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can open your spot to someone else. No refunds will be given upon registrant cancellation.

By registering for this event, you are affirming that you have read and agree to our liability release policy.

We look forward to seeing you at the Clifton Institute!


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Suggested Donation
$ 10.00


April 11
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Free – $10.00
Event Category:
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The Clifton Institute
6712 Blantyre Road
Warrenton, VA 20187 United States
+ Google Map


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