Join us for the 24th Annual The Plains/Airlie Christmas Bird Count this December! Our goal? Count as many birds as we can in our 15-mile-diameter count circle, which includes a variety of habitats–grasslands, forests, lakes, backyards, and even parking lots. There’s always a chance for Short-eared Owl and American Tree Sparrow, and counters get to explore parts of Fauquier county that they might not normally see. Most importantly, we will be contributing to an international community science project reaching back over 120 years which informs bird conservation in North America.
This event is for birders of any experience level. Participating in the Christmas Bird Count is a great way to learn about the winter birds of Virginia and get to know other birdwatchers in the area. In order to cover the entire circle we split into 9 teams. Each team is led by an experienced birder. If you are interested in leading a team, please email Bridget Bradshaw (bbradshaw@cliftoninstitute.org). Depending on the team, you may spend the day walking, driving, or both in order to cover your area. At the end of the day, teams are invited back to the peach farmhouse at Clifton for hot chili, cornbread, and drinks for our tally rally! This is where we have a chance to all get together, count up the birds from the day, and swap stories.
*Please note: Depending on which team you are assigned, you may NOT be meeting at the Clifton Institute in the morning. Team leaders will tell you when and where to meet at the start of the day, which is typically around sunrise.
Cost: Free!
Age: All ages welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Bring: Please bring binoculars if available.
Weather policy: Rain or shine except in case of extreme weather (e.g. thunderstorm or significant snow fall).
Registration is REQUIRED.
Cancellation policy: If you register and can no longer attend this event, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can open your spot to someone else.
By registering for this event, you are affirming that you have read and agree to our liability release policy. We look forward to seeing you at the Clifton Institute!