LAST MINUTE REGISTRATION: If registering for this event after June 23rd, please email Bert Harris (bharris@cliftoninstitute.org) to make sure that you are included.
Join us for our first annual Dragonfly Count! We are launching this count to learn about which species of dragonflies and damselflies are found in our area, monitor changes in their populations, and stimulate interest in nature.
Here is a map of the count circle. A great variety of aquatic habitats are found within the circle, including a sphagnum bog, fish-free marshes, lakes with abundant lily pads, and a variety of clean streams and rivers that range from tiny seeps all the way up to the Rappahannock River. This interesting area has not received as much study as nearby northern Virginia, but 72 species of dragonflies and damselflies have already been documented inside the circle.
The count will be similar to a Christmas Bird Count or NABA butterfly count, where we will divide the circle up into several areas, which teams of people will cover. Closer to the date, we will let you know where to meet. The count is open to people of all experience levels. We welcome dragonfly experts as well as anyone who is interested in learning about these fascinating insects.
COVID-19 information: Please do not attend if you or anyone in your household has experienced any symptoms related to the coronavirus in the last two weeks.
What to wear: It will be hot and we’ll be spending time near or in the water. Shorts and sturdy sandals or rubber boots are usually best, but long pants can come in handy as well.
What to bring: Sunscreen, sun hat, binoculars, camera, insect net, plenty of water.
This event is free but registration is required. Email Bert Harris (bharris@cliftoninstitute.org) with any questions.
Please let us know if you live inside the count circle and you have a fish-free pond or marsh or a pond with lily pads or other emergent aquatic vegetation on your property that you would like to be included in the count.
We are partnering with the Bull Run Mountains Conservancy, Fauquier County Parks and Recreation, Friends of the Rappahannock, Virginia Outdoors Foundation, Volgenau Farm, and White House Farm Foundation on this event. Top photo by Patty Lane.