Tag Archive for: Locust Run

We’re partnering with the Piedmont chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society for a special walk! This site hosts a nice variety of habitats from rich riparian forest dominated by Tulip Poplar, Ironwood, and Witch Hazel along Locust Run, to open hilly forests. The property was clear-cut approximately 12 years ago, and that disturbance has allowed the persistence of two patches of the globally rare and imperilled Torrey’s Mountain-mint. Other exciting open woodland species at the site include Featherbells (new for Fauquier County), Bashful Bullrush, Clasping Milkweed, Whorled Rosinweed, Forked Bluecurls, Rose-pink, Allegheny Chinkapin, and Bigtooth Aspen. The bedrock is metasandstone which leads to a very acidic soil in most areas, but there are richer areas (Little Heartleaf) and clearly some basic areas as well (Maidenhair Spleenwort and Wood Anemone; new for Fauquier County).

Registration is through VNPS: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/locust-run-woodland-walk-tickets-902470622927